Innovation Training & Human-Centered Design Courses | PDD Innovation

Innovating in today’s world is essential to ensure success for your organisation by delivering tangible value to customers and securing sustainable growth. But innovation is not easy. There is considerable risk along the entire continuum – from the outset of uncovering opportunities through to implementing and delivering solutions to people.

Design Thinking – a Human-Centred Design (HCD) approach to innovation is a proven methodology rooted in design and human sciences that helps mitigate the risks associated with the launch of new products, services and strategies. Through better understanding the needs, desires and contexts of the people we’re designing for and with, encouraging collaboration and communication amongst different industry disciplines, and engaging in frequent testing and sense-checking of potential solutions throughout the process we can ensure that we are both designing the right “thing” and designing the “thing” right.

Through our practical, hands-on training programmes, we teach people a flexible framework for practicing Human-Centred Design to accelerate and de-risk the innovation process.


We offer different types of training, from 90-minute Taster Sessions to 2.5+ day, fully-customised workshops. Public workshops are open to any organisation and are scheduled throughout the year. They are ideal if you’re looking for Innovation training for yourself or a few other people from your team and you don’t require customised content.

If you’d like training for larger groups, or customised content and scheduling, then Private (in-house) training is appropriate.

Public Courses

Design Thinking for Innovation: Accelerating Innovation through Human-Centred Design

A 2-day foundation course teaching participants 20+ HCD methods applied to practice scenarios from different industries.

Design Thinking for UX: User Experience Innovation Through Human-Centred Design

A 2-day course introducing participants to the discipline of User Experience (UX) Design by exploring Human-Centred Design techniques to create compelling and meaningful user experiences.

Deep-Dive into Co-Creation and Participatory Design

This one-day intensive workshop provides a deeper understanding of how to actively involve people in the design of concepts, products and services using methods such as Journaling, What’s-on-your-Radar, Buy a Feature and Build Your Own.

Upcoming Workshops:

Design Thinking for Innovation: Accelerating Innovation through Human-Centred Design 

To register your interest, please contact: [email protected]

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